The Importance Of Regular Optometrist Exams

The Overlooked Necessity: Why Pediatric Eye Exams Are Essential Early in Life

As a parent, the spectrum of your child's health is vast and multifaceted. Donning a multitude of hats — caregiver, educator, and doctor-consoler — speaks volumes about the breadth of responsibilities. Yet, despite the diligence and deftness in managing various aspects of your child's well-being, it is surprisingly easy to neglect their vision health unwittingly. Read on to learn why pediatric eye exams are beneficial and essential. Early Detection of Potential Issues Read More 

Dry Eye And Rheumatoid Arthritis: How Optometrists Can Help

Living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can be difficult at the best of times, and this chronic autoimmune disorder can affect your body in ways you might not expect. Although the condition primarily affects your joints, many people with RA also suffer from chronic dry eye. Dry eye can be painful and irritating, and in severe cases can cause permanent damage to your eyesight. If you are an RA sufferer who also has symptoms of dry eye, your optometrist can offer a range of treatments that can help to reduce discomfort and preserve your sight. Read More 

5 Vision Care Tips

No matter how old you may be, it is essential to take good care of your vision. After all, your eyes are what allow you to see the magnificent world around you. If you make the effort to take good care of your vision, you can lower your chances of developing various eye diseases. Here are a few important vision tips to follow. Wear Eye Protection When Necessary There are certain times when wearing eye protection is crucial. Read More 

Scheduling An Eye Exam? Tips For Accurate Results

Whether you're just scheduling an annual eye exam as a preventative and monitoring measure or you're trying to keep up with changes in already weakened vision, it's in your best interest to be as well-prepared for your appointment as possible. Here's a look at what you should know about the right pre-exam preparation to keep your exam results accurate and ensure that your next prescription is the right one.  Skip The Caffeine Read More 

Diabetic Eye Treatment: Diagnosis And Treatments

Diabetes can cause an eye disease known as diabetic retinopathy, which causes damage to the retinal blood vessels in your eyes. It is caused by high blood sugar levels and it can cause leaking and swelling of the blood vessels. Diabetic retinopathy can also cause complete closing of the retinal blood vessels, which can hinder optimal blood flow to your eyes. Here are some ways your eye doctor can diagnose diabetic retinopathy and some diabetic eye treatment options that are often effective in slowing its progression. Read More